ホームページホームページ > 製品 > 組立野戦病院 > 素早く組み立てられるポータブル移動式野戦病院


仕様3000*6000*2800mm またはカスタマイズされた
素早く組み立てられるポータブル移動式野戦病院プレハブ野戦病院は、プレハブまたはプレエンジニアリング野戦病院とも呼ばれ、自然災害や戦時などの緊急事態に迅速に配備できる臨時の医療施設です。 このタイプの病院は、現場ですぐに組み立てて完全に機能し、設備の整った医療施設を構築できる、モジュール式の既製コンポーネントで構成されています。 これらは、持ち運びが簡単で、すぐに設置でき、必要な患者に必要な医療サービスを提供できるように設計されています。 プレハブ野戦病院には、通常、患者病棟、手術室、医療用品保管エリア、および救急医療の提供において医療専門家をサポートするために必要なその他の施設が含まれています。モジュール式病院建設は、オフに構築されるプレハブ式モジュール式コンポーネントを使用して病院を建設するプロセスです。完全に機能する病院施設を構築するために、現場で組み立てられ、その後現場で組み立てられます。 このプロセスはプレハブ野戦病院の建設に似ていますが、主な違いは、モジュール式病院が恒久的な構造物であることを目的としており、長期間使用されるように設計されていることです。
The modular construction process involves designing, manufacturing and transporting the various modules that make up the hospital. The modules are usually built in a controlled manufacturing facility, and then transported to the hospital site for assembly.Modular hospitals have several advantages over traditional hospital construction methods. They can be constructed much faster, reducing construction time by up to 50% compared to traditional construction methods. Modular construction is also more flexible and can be easily expanded or modified in response to changes in demand for medical services. In addition, pre-fabricated components can be manufactured with higher precision and in a more controlled environment, resulting in higher quality finished products. These advantages make modular hospital construction a popular option for hospitals that need to expand their facilities quickly and efficiently, or for hospitals located in remote or challenging locations where traditional construction methods are not feasible.What is a Container Medical Clinic?A Container Medical Clinic is a structure that consists of several containers mutually interconnected.In essence, they are prefabricated hospitals for immediate use.Mobile hospital construction is based on three main principles:MobilityPrefabricationVariabilityThis hospital can be reduced or extended in size or lay out as specified by a client.Even though modular hospitals may differ in composition of selected departments, there are some main departments/rooms included.They include: a diagnostic room, admission room, emergency rooms, administration, pharmacy and laboratory.Mobiler hospitals are designed to stand on their own or be integrated as part of an existing hospital.Why Buy Container Medical Clinic from China?Chinese companies have years of experience in manufacturing mobile hospitals;China has been exporting modular hospitals to several nations across Europe, North America and Australia with 90% repeat orders;China provides customized mobile hospitals at affordable costs;We have completed supply chain for all the raw materials.